Dankdog Dispensary
Origin Story
Thousands of years ago a group of explorers found a futuristic looking spacecraft wrecked into the mountains of what would be called Colorado, USA today (naturally). The team immediately noticed the ship was on fire and severely damaged from the crash.
They scavenged the wreckage for any signs of life and found a small team of strange looking canine-like creatures.
Two of these creatures were frantically struggling to pick up what appeared as scattered plant seeds while the third member of their team was passed out from what looked like moderate injuries. The group of explorers then attempted to make contact and offer assistance to the strange group of creatures ahead of them.
Only one of them could speak their language and she very much welcomed the assistance.
“Please! Grab these seedlings FAST, they need to be protected”.
Little did the explorers know, they had just saved a whole new generation of Dank Dogs, an alien species from the planet of Kushmaw. They took the team of canines to their homebase and gave them shelter and had mild conversation with the leader over dinner.
The leader of the Dank dogs expedition team introduced herself as Tilda and explained that she and her colleagues came from their home planet of Kushmaw. They were on a very important mission to deliver a special batch of seedlings back home from another planet when a piece of space debris struck their ship and caused them to crash onto planet Earth.
The tribe's kindness meant alot to Tilda and she was eternally grateful for the assistance they gave her and her colleagues. This batch of seedings was to bring on a stonger, happier generation as their planet had recently left the dark path of war and genocide.
From there, the rest is history! Tilda and her team stayed with the American tribe for a short while as they repaired their ship and healed from their injuries. Both groups taught and learned from one another while discussing the state of their current worlds. It is said that Dank dogs are actually from a future timeline where they have learned the art of time and space travel. Tilda’s ship had actually crashed thousands, or maybe even millions of years behind her own present day on the planet of Kushmaw.
Back home, her planet was recovering from a mass genocide from an enemy planet. Despite ultimately winning the war, a sea of destruction left Kushmaw in shambles. They were luckily prepared for this threat, and began developing a new “upgraded” version of their current race. With the help of an alliance planet, Kushmaw was able to hold the seedlings in a facility there, where they could later retrieve them and rebuild their home planet. Tilda was the leader of the expedition team in charge of bringing those seedlings back.
Upon leaving, Tilda left a seedling with the tribe’s leader. She thanked him for what he and his people had done and promised that she would return the favor to him. The Dank dog she left with him grew slowly and carefully, until one morning when the chief's children awoke him with a small puppy, covered in what appeared to be marijuana leaves. Within a week the puppy had become full grown, and ultimately learned how to speak and work with the tribe. He would go on to be Earth’s first Dank dog and grew up with the Tribe for generations. Some say he’s still alive and living somewhere with a current tribe member in the Cheyenne Nation.
Today, Dank dogs have evolved over the years. Tilda has returned to Earth several times since her fateful meeting with the tribe. She has offered seedlings and assistance in exchange for keeping her race alive and healthy while staying here. There are several Dank dogs headquarters today that act as a sort of farm/ storage facility for the species. They produce little to no waste and keep things quiet for the sake of proper Dankie production. Human’s typically love Dank Dogs and treat them as members of the family as the species has helped them a lot over the years.